Saturday, September 22, 2012

Wedding Bells

Not for me though for my good friend Harley! First let me say I am a match maker they have been together for 3 years and I'm the one that set them up and now they are getting married can you say SUCCESS maybe I'm going to school for the wrong thing ha ha! any who so I'm super stoked for her and it's a reason I get to get dressed up!Problem though I have no idea what I am going to wear the dress is semi casual being its an outside wedding. I know I'm going to be wearing a sun dress of some sort but I don't know if I am going to wear one I have or buy one for it? hmm.... decision decisions!! on  a side not my boyfriend can not attend with me due to him working ...BUMMER!!!! So I will have to post pictures of what I decided to wear! I be updating soon!!


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

new blog !

hi all,
I recently made a new blog after my last post where I'll be talking about my college experience and how I keep my faith , what I struggle with and what I don't! I'm stilll new to the whole blog thing but I'm working on it ! my goal on this new page is for it to be a place where people know they are not alone ! maybe it's also to know that i'm not alone ! I think everyone needs that support group to help push through the struggles! Anyway this is my new blog! I'll still be getting on here and posting as much as I can but alot will be more focused on the new one!


Sunday, September 9, 2012

christian college girls

One thing I have been looking for lately is a christian college girls blog or website. Why? because I want to read how they stay close to god and still enjoy all the college things. For example how do they handle peer pressure and stress.How do the keep from drifting away because I have been struggling with that lately. I just found it shocking out of all the blogs out there I could not find one! If anyone knows of one please comment below!

